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Coverage for your Business

a tall building

You have to invest a lot in your business in order to make it successful. However, it only takes one problem—a fire, severe weather or injury lawsuit—to wipe out everything you have worked hard to build. You don’t want to face the prospect of losing everything, and with the proper business insurance benefits in place you will be able to withstand those challenges.

At AJ Gambardella Insurance, we’re the insurance experts who can tailor commercial benefits specifically to the advantage of the individual customer. We’ll work hand in hand with you to develop a comprehensive business insurance portfolio that will always come to your aid at the times you need it most. It might feel daunting to try to select these policies entirely on your own, but with our help, you can get qualify, affordable benefits that are optimized to preserve your business’s success.

Call us at 203-377-8455 or request your free commercial insurance quote now!

Common Business Insurance Questions

What is business insurance?

There are plenty of hazards that might impact any business:

  • Fires or severe weather could damage your property

  • Thieves or dishonest employees could steal company property or money

  • A customer could get injured on your property and sue you over the losses they sustain

  • Company drivers could have accidents, or company cars could get stolen

Under these and so many other circumstances, your business could face financial setbacks, even financial ruin. That’s something no business owner wants to face. Proper business insurance will help your company design a protective cushion that you can rely on for financial support following a multitude of challenges that could arise unexpectedly at any time.

What does business insurance cover?

Business insurance is not a single policy like homeowners, auto or life insurance. Rather, it’s an umbrella term that refers to numerous commercial insurance options that the average business might need.

It’s up to you to find the optimized combination of benefits for your needs. Some of the policies that you can enroll in with our help include:

  • Commercial property insurance: If something damages physical property—such as your building or possessions—then this coverage can help you repair or replace them.

  • General liability insurance: This covers the business in the event it causes property damage or bodily injuries to another party, like a client or vendor.

  • Business interruption insurance: This helps you pay the bills if you must temporarily close after a damaging accident.

  • Commercial auto insurance: When the company owns vehicles, this coverage will supply the requisite physical damage, liability and other benefits to help the company afford the costs of wrecks or other vehicle hazards.

  • Workers compensation insurance: If an employee gets hurt on the job, they are often eligible for workers compensation. It will supply them supplementary income during their recovery.

  • Errors & omissions insurance: Professional advice or mistakes could cause clients a financial loss. This coverage can compensate them on behalf of the business.

  • Surety bonds: If you are contractually bound to certain clients, then bonds will guarantee them that you will repay them if you cannot meet your obligations.


Of course, there are many other policies available that are designed to protect you against specific risks and liabilities. These include:


  • Inland Marine Insurance

  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)


  • Products/Completed Operations Liability Insurance

  • Cyber Liability Insurance

  • Umbrella Liability Insurance

  • Hired/Non-owned Auto Liability Coverage

Small business owners can benefit financially by bundling their essential coverage into a business owners policy (BOP). The BOP is designed for small operations, and allows you to get several benefits (property, general liability, business interruption) in one place and at one price.

How much business insurance do I need?

Your company is a unique operation, which will mean that you will face a unique set of liabilities that will directly impact your insurance needs. Even if you were to compare the insurance portfolios of two businesses in the same industry, you will often find their coverage options to be vastly different, and for good reason. Our agents will work hand in hand with you to optimize the benefits within your portfolio in ways that offer you tailored coverage limits, deductibles, endorsements and other terms.

What will my business insurance benefits cost?

Numerous factors can influence the price of your commercial insurance, and all of your different plans will have different costs, based both on the coverage you choose and the risk factors that the insurer assumes by covering you.

We understand that you might have concerns about the burden that your benefits will have on your overhead costs, but we are committed to working with you to get you the coverage that offers you the best value on the market.

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