The Best Time to Buy Gas
Even if you buy an inexpensive car to save money, gas prices can still break the bank. But did you know that filling up at certain times during the day and week may result in lower prices? Gas station managers might not want you to know that, but we’re happy to share the information so you can save a few bucks.
Try filling up on Wednesdays. Oftentimes, gas stations will hike their prices beginning on Thursdays to take advantage of weekend travelers. Though this may not be true every single week, it is usually the case before a holiday weekend.
Whether you fill up on Wednesday or any other day, try doing so between 8 am and 10 am. Gas station managers often check the competition’s prices in the morning and they’re likely to raise their own prices between 10 am and noon if prices are trending upwards.
Apart from pumping gas at specific times, there are other ways to conserve gas and therefore save money. Try the following gas-saving tips:
- Lighten the load by removing anything from your car that isn’t necessary, such as an empty rooftop carrier or camping equipment that was used a few weeks ago.
- Avoid sudden acceleration and deceleration; coast as much as possible.
- Ensure that your tires are inflated to the correct air pressure.
- Don’t idle while parked. Turn off the ignition.
- When driving under 60 mph, turn off the air conditioning and roll down the windows to preserve gas. When driving over 60 mph, roll the windows back up for improved aerodynamics.
- Park in the shade when possible to limit gasoline evaporation.
- Form a carpool with neighborhood parents or nearby coworkers.
Learn about how you can save on coverage. Call AJ Gambardella Insurance for more information on auto insurance.
Tags: auto insurance